8 Months Ago our kitchen looked a little something like this…wood floors, wood cabinets and wood paneled walls + 2 small windows + pantry hallway + bathroom in the kitchen (yuck!)…
And TODAY it looks a little something like THIS…
By far the best and most dramatic renovation in our house thus far!
So how did we do it? Well, we started with a total and complete gut of the kitchen and attached bathroom. We rented our 5th dumpster in 3 years and pitched it all…I mean everything! Andrew and I were doing a happy dance as every nasty piece of that old kitchen went in the dumpster. We decided we wanted an open concept with the new kitchen flowing into the back living room, so we tore down the wall separating the two rooms. We were left with a massive space to create this beautiful, open, bright new kitchen.
Andrew spent most of the summer laying new yellow leaf pine hardwood floors, rewiring the entire space, installing 3 new windows overlooking the water, installing new insulation and sheetrock, and with the help of some strong guys, we got a large supporting beam into the space to provide support for the wall we took out. Once all the walls were in place, Andrew spent the fall building all the cabinets, molding, and baseboards. For the first time, we bought a MASSIVE compressor and set up a paint spray booth in our garage to make the painting process much faster (why we didn’t do this early on in our house renovation is beyond me - hindsight in 20/20!!). We also got the grey soapstone countertops installed by a great local company in New Bedford.
I spent the fall focused on buying the perfect bar stools; redesigning the back living room with a new rug, new pillows and curtains; helping out in the spray booth; and scouring the internet for cabinet door pulls that weren’t $15 a piece…
After the craziness of the holidays, we were able to focus on all the details - kitchen cabinet doors, hardware, kitchen island, custom framed calendar and chalkboard etc. Andrew built ALL the cabinet doors and the custom butcher block kitchen island. 120 hard maple pieces were glued together to make this butcher block countertop. We also repurposed a few things in the new kitchen. The glass in the glass cabinets are from the original windows that we have saved throughout the 3 year renovation. The wood for the chalk board and calendar are repurposed from the old kitchen sub floor boards. Our amazing slate kitchen sink is from Andrew's sister who donated it to our cause!
As of this past week the kitchen is 99% finished and we are both pretty proud of the outcome!
Paint Color | Sherwin Williams "Olympus White"
Countertops | Soapstone
Living Room Rug | Birch Lane
Bar Stools | World Market
Desk Stool | World Market
Jute Bamboo Shades | Blinds Chalet
Floors | Long Leaf Yellow Pine
Curtains | Lacefield Imperial Club Seaside Blue
Pillows | Pisces Flamingo
Tile | Tumbled Marble