Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Magic of 3

When I first moved to New England I thought I'd make friends in an instant; acclimate to the weather after the first cold snap; and have a sense of belonging in no time at all.  I also thought we might not stay long.

Wrong. Oh so wrong.

In the three years since I moved to New England, I have cried countless times in loneliness and looked longingly at groups of people wanting what they had; barked at my husband for the horribly cold weather and the fact that we live here; thought that buying our house and unpacking my duffles would create those roots that I so desperately wanted; doubted my decisions, longed for the Caribbean weather, and judged the New England personalities.

But as time has progressed in these 1,095 days of living in New England, I have finally gotten to a place where I not only like where we live, I love it.

I love the distinct four seasons - the fact that winter can be so incredibly harsh and barren, and then spring appears with the chirping birds and new life appearing from the frosted ground - it is something I hadn't really experienced anywhere else.

I love and adore our house. It has been all kinds of crazy learning and adjustments, both financially and in manual labor; and after two years of really hard work to make it our own, it feels like home. Like ours. Like we can create our life as a family here. Like I wouldn't want to sell it and start again, love it.

But you know what I really love about this place? The people. We had a little get together on Labor Day and I looked around at one point and thought, "Wow". We have such an incredible group of friends here - they make me never want to leave this place.

These are the people that I want my children to be around.  They are the people I dreamed of meeting three years ago. They are a group with similarities, differences, children and no children, married and unmarried, and everything in between.  They are not the New England personalities I judged back in the beginning. They are smart, funny, have a deep love and appreciation for being on the water, caring, incredibly encouraging, honest, inspiring mothers and fathers, and do-anything-for-you friends. They are the reason this house, this state, this place feels like home.

And so I am raising my glass to 3 years of living in New England; 3 years of making new memories and putting down new roots; 3 years of making the commitment to be with my husband in the same place; 3 years of struggling, finding myself, and finally feeling as if I belong; 3 years of building friendships and finding my New England family.

Celebrating the Magic of 3.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Drink the Wild Air

Last week Andrew and I escaped the craziness of the summer. We packed up our duffle bags and hit the road (and seas).  We detached from the world for 5 whole days with a boat delivery from Maine to Rhode Island. Limited cell service. A few bottles of wine. A row boat in tow. Just the two of us.

Absolute bliss.

The summer is a double edged sword for Andrew and I. We love summer for all the same reasons as most of the rest of the world. But it is also the time of the year that we work the most. Seasonal work has its ups and downs. So to say I have been neglecting my husband, my house, my blog, my life…that would be an understatement.

5 whole days away from the everyday stresses was heaven. We didn't plan. We didn't talk about the future (other than to pick out a dog name!). We didn't care (for the most part!) that the weather was foggy, windless and bleak.

We just were. And THAT, is a beautiful thing.

Proof that we made it to Maine
Day 1 | Belfast, Maine | The "Biggest Little City" in Maine
Flat Calm | Sun's Out
Road soda for my classy, Budweiser loving husband
Day 3 | Boothbay Harbor
A normal view for the first 3 days
On Watch

Day 3 | Isle of Shoals | Fog meets water
Running from the Devil
Day 4 | Provincetown, Cape Cod
Day 5 | Sunrise Sail to the Cape Cod Canal

Cruising through the Cape Cod Canal at 9.5 kts
Coming into Newport, RI
Killer Sunset & Full Moon to welcome us Home

It didn't have to be a boat delivery…it could have been hiking in the woods, a "staycation", or a cottage on the beach, but detachment is part of living. I get that urge often when too much stress and commitments build up over time. That urge to just walk away from it all, if only for a few hours, a few days. A way to unplug. Unwind. Recharge. Gain order in my life. And drink the wild air.

And usually, for me, that means packing up a duffle bag, getting on a boat, and watching the sea go by. 

Live in the sunshine. Swim the sea. Drink the wild air.  - Emerson
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